דלג לתוכן מרכזי

Career and Employment Advisory Service

Migdal Or offers a variety of preparation programs for entering the world of employment.

Choosing a field of study or occupation is a dilemma for many people – what will be a suitable profession for me? In what field will I be most successful? What do I enjoy doing? Where is there a demand in the labor market?
For people with visual impairment or blindness, other complex considerations are added to their deliberation, such as the level of visual impairment, accessibility of software used in school and work, and other considerations related to their sight. Professional career counseling by an occupational psychologist who specializes in helping people with visual impairment contributes greatly to making an informed decision.


Preparation for studies and work or adjustment of workplace stations

Study skills and mastering computer skills are significant rudiments for academic or professional studies and finding a job. We, at Migdal Or, offer a variety of courses and training programs which provide people with visual impairment or blindness with tools that will help them find a field of study and employment that is close to their interests.

The program focuses on pre-academic or professional training and preparation for work.  It takes place in Haifa, Tel Aviv, Beer Sheva and Jerusalem and is operated by a multidisciplinary team that includes social workers, placement workers, occupational psychologists, rehabilitation teachers, education teachers, computer teachers and instructors.

Following diagnosis and in accordance with the needs of each participant, treatment and rehabilitation plans are formulated including professional training and preparatory workshops for seeking employment and the labor market. The program is suitable for people who are at a pre-employment stage that require supplemental education, for those interested in specially adapted professional training or in the stages of academic study.

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